Sunday, April 28, 2013

India First!

After having dinner today, I and a friend of mine while reading through posters saw a poster of 'India First'. He asked me, Why India first and not the people of India? Well, i tried to explain him but he was adamant on his so-called ''Universal Brotherhood'' Approach. This post is just how i understand it. 

India, as we name it, what really is India? Is India the natural resources, the part of earth from this to that latitude and longitude. Is India the landmass east of Indus or South of Himalayas. What constitutes India? And why country first? We could well put the whole of earth first or humans first or as our intellect allows.

India is not just a country. It is country but none of us just live in a country which is a mere geographical territory. It is much beyond. India is the culture that spans more than 5000 years. India is a way of life. India is tolerance. india is Universal Brotherhood. India is Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian, Parsi, Buddhism; all in ONE. India is more ancient than 'Ancient India' and more modern than 'Modern India'. India is not just all that we love. india is also poor, hungry, searching for life. But India is.

No, It's not just a landmass. India is more than 130 Crore lives altogether. India First does not mean negation of Universal Brotherhood rather without India First, there can not exist any universal brotherhood. We have to start somewhere. Yes, Love has to spread from one to many and to many more. 

I started with loving my mother, then family, relatives, friends, enemies, my village, town, state and then India. Yes, Mother Earth is next on the list. 

A Mother loves her children unconditionally, they are always first. Why? You can say , it is selfishness. Yes, It is selfishness. and when was it not supposed to be selfish? From the moment you took your first breath, You started being selfish. Knowingly or unknowingly you have been selfish at all times and used so many things, animals and even human beings to attain what you wanted to. I don't support it. But Selfishness was always hit and it will always be!

What matters is how selfish is not 'selfish'. If you do not care even for yourself, then i have doubts if you could ever be so for anything else.  So care and spread love. love your fellow beings. Love your neighbours, friends, everyone around you. Care for them. Forgive the wrong ones but do not forget the right ones.

Acknowledge the importance of those close to you in your being what you are. Acknowledge the importance of the environment in shaping you into a better human being. And once you do this, No matter which nation you belong to; You will start loving your country. And as loving your mother does not mean hatred for other mothers, but it increases the love and respect for motherhood. In similar manner, Loving your country in general and countrymen in particular does not mean hating others but it gives the sound ground to universal brotherhood. 

So for me, India will always be First!! 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Hindus in Pakistan - How Safe are They?

Hindus in Pakistan are minority. Their population has decreased from 22% in 1951 (It includes the population data from Bangladesh as well) to roughly 1-1.5% i.e. close to 2 millions at present. Seeing this, Question comes to mind that what exactly might have been the reason behind such a fall of population? Hindus have become critically endangered population in Pakistan. These are the times, when we even care for the animals when their population falls below a level. This raises the concern what Pakistan Government is doing for the Hindu citizens belonging to Pakistan. On papers, It might be doing something but the reality is brutal.

Had a meeting with a few Pakistani Hindus yesterday. I was literally shocked. Pakistan has sucked life out of them, They are just so afraid. Since last 5 years they have been trying to get their visas ready to visit India for Kumbh Mela. 480 Pakistani Hindus have come. Only one person from a family has been granted a visa in most of their cases. Though their family members are in Pakistan, yet none of them wants to go back to Pakistan. Even a mother with her children in Pakistan wants to stay in India! This brings us to the question what exactly they have been facing?

Their condition in Pakistan is like a second-grade citizen. They being in such minority are not a vote bank for any party. Hence nobody cares about them. They while going out from their homes cannot wear or have their hindu symbols otherwise they are harassed in various ways. A Hindu Male in Pakistan while going out has to wear a Taqiah ( short, rounded cap worn by Muslims). A Hindu Female cannot wear Mangal-Sutra, have Bindi aur Sindur. Rather in many cases, She has to wear Burqah for her safety. There also are no Hindu religious books easily available in Pakistan. Even when they go to market to purchase something, they are disallowed from touching it in many cases.

Their religious places have been dismantled. They are facing atrocities in various forms. Families are afraid of sending the female children to school for they are afraid of them being kidnapped and being forced to change the religion and marry a muslim forcefully. Even in these cases, Pakistan Judiciary has taken partial decisions.

Last but not the least, I also would take this opportunity to appreciate Mr Nahar Singh, the person who has well managed stay of all 480 Pakistani Hindus with his single-handed efforts.

Indian Government has yet to take a decision on their future whether they will be staying in India or they will be deported back. But given a chance none of them wants to go back, come what may. They are over brothers in distress. Their basic human rights are being violated. They need our help. If we won't, then who will?